Monday, December 29, 2008
Psychedelic Attainment of Paradise?
Two video sites are listed below. If you want to understand what is written, throughout this essay, then please first view both videos. Reply to approximate 9 minute video found at: < >. Here's another one about a giraffe that could cause one to look upward for life's answers: < >, not inward through meditation or medications (chemical substances). The man on youtube, that you sent me, has a philosophy on which his intellectualism is based. That philosophy, "for the answers to life's questions," is based on primitive man (a lower species as he thinks and illustrates in the video) with which we must get in touch through herbal substances. Two false premises 1) That man was once more primitive (This is based upon evolutionary beliefs and not any evidence whatsoever), and 2) That we need to "look inward" for answers which is based on the false premise that answers are found within. Both of these go back to the lie of the serpent in Genesis when the serpent tempted Eve to "be as God" and said "You shall not surely die." We are not God. Indeed we are a high point in His creation and are desired, by Him, to maintain fellowship with Him for answers. This, of course, is much different than "looking inward" for answers. Notice that the original couple made a mistake that this youtube philosopher makes. They look to a botanical substance "of the tree of knowledge of good and evil" (a fruit), for their answers, and fail to consult God. The answers are not to look to plant derived intoxication or to look within. The answers, that are needed (I know, not all that are wanted), are to be found through communion with God. He compares shamans and clients, whatever he means by "clients." Why does this man think that "cleaning the disk", with a drug, is a good thing? Could it not be damaging "the disk (brain)" and therefore be a terrible thing? A lot of unfounded assumptions here. Of course I understand that every adult intelligent human probably has some unfounded unsumptions. It is just that this man also has them. What he says sounds very much like, "Leap off the cliff, it'll clean your disk!" It will, and pretty much leave it "clean" so to speak! Smile. That was meant to be somewhat humorous but to provoke thought. Psilocybine (mushroom), and other chemicals, whether derived botanically or not, are best used only if you know what disk-cleaning you're really receiving. Some types of disk-cleaning are really not good for you! "Taking drugs, poisoning, or sorcery" are definitions of the Greek "pharmakeia," the word translated "witchcraft" in Galatians 5:20. So the Bible writers were familiar with shamans, or wizards, or sorcerers - people who looked to drugs for answers. However, the comment about them is not in a good light (Definition retrieved from < >). This man does have some truths concerning how badly man has dealt with his environment, in some areas of the world, and lost his common sense. But go to the more isolated tribes, who live close to nature, in South America, the islands, or Africa and you may note that these are not the ones who are living the longest. Not sure about this, but I think there are some miracles to civilized modern medicine and health care. The wars in the world and famine are not caused by civilization. There have been wars probably within a few hundred years of Cain killing Able. Famine is recorded in the Bible among trible peoples. So it is not necessarily modern technology that has caused great evil, but simply the bad management of it. So what would this professor of illicit herb use have us do instead of capitalism - communism? Either way, one can follow God. It is not the government but the heart of each individual that needs to learn to care and also to work to provide for loved ones. It is just that in communism one is not necessarily penalized for being lazy nor rewarded for being a harder worker or an inventor. Me, I like a mildly socialistic but strongly capitalistic mix. That way the unemployed receive, much of the time, what they need to live, and the disabled and unfortunate too. But the clever and the harder workers may (I know not always) find themselves a more comfortable life. This provides compassion plus incentive. However, because man is fallen, he/she is often neglectful of others and greedy/miserly (can never get enough). This is not the fault of modernism or of government but of men's evil choices. I like electricity and a house. Keeps me out of the weather. My old bones are less tolerable of weather extremes than yours (Smile again). However, unless this current age is all brought to an end by the Almighty, before we die, we will all face death. In Christ there is this to look forward to: "The meek shall inherit the earth" and "A new heaven and a new earth wherein justice reigns (my paraphrase)." That is fairly a cool thing to ponder. No more pollution. No more unkindness. No compulsion toward greed. Just paradise! Now that, my young friend, is getting back to nature my style. And no need for chemical highs. It'll be great there without them. In fact, I feel positively elated just now, when I think of it! >> Terry
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